Some people in the Mormon Church, including its leaders, have sexually abused children. Several cases of confirmed child abuse, as well as alleged child abuse, have recently come to light.
The Case Against Michael Jensen
In the Mormon Church, the Jensens are a prominent family, with several members holding high offices in West Virginia and Utah. Michael Jensen acted as a babysitter for the children of several families in the local Mormon Church community. Jensen was arrested in 2004 for molesting two young girls and charged with sexual abuse of children. At that time, several families claimed to have reported the abuse to the church multiple times, yet the church did nothing in response. Then in 2013, Jensen was arrested again on sexual assault charges that accused him of sexual abuse of children, ages 3 and 4. He was convicted and sentenced to 35 to 75 years in prison.
A Church Leader Confesses to Sexual Abuse of Children
In 2016, a local Mormon Church leader confessed to inappropriate sexual conduct with his daughter, which subsequently led to his arrest and conviction. In this case, the Church reported the confession to law enforcement authorities resulting in a sexual assault charge, Time reported.
Bishop Accused of Abusing Girls
In June 2020, a report surfaced of two young girls suffering sexual abuse at the hands of a Mormon Church bishop. The sisters met the Church leader upon joining a Church program. The two girls reportedly suffered from sexual abuse by the bishop over a number of years, according to the Associated Press. He is now facing criminal charges for sexual abuse of children. The Mormon church lawsuit alleges that the bishop, Joseph Neipp, groomed the girls on Church property. The child sexual abuse attorney working for the plaintiffs also alleges Mormon Church leaders knew that Neipp was a potential danger to children. There are previous reports of parents filing complaints against Neipp, including a restraining order.
While these are just some examples of children suffering from sexual abuse in the Mormon Church, there are likely many others. When a dispute settles quickly out of court, the details of the sexual assault charge are unlikely to surface. Moreover, abuse survivors and their families may be afraid to come forward and stand up to a powerful institution. In some cases, families shy away from finding justice since they do not want to put their children through potential court cases.
While proof of sexual abuse of children within the Mormon Church exists, we may never know the true extent of the crimes.
Statutes of Limitations Are Changing
Child sex abuse has happened in the Mormon Church, as in other religious institutions. Abuse survivors who suffered from child abuse in former years may be adults now and wonder whether they could still hold a perpetrator or the Church to account for their suffering. In many cases, it may not be too late, and abuse survivors can still find legal recourse today in the form of a Mormon Church lawsuit.
In recent years, several states have extended their timeframe for filing civil lawsuits for sexual abuse claims specifically. Potentially, many victims may not have spoken up at the time because they felt intimidated or simply did not know where to turn. Some abuse survivors may have spoken up but with the word of a child potentially against that of a powerful local Church leader, they may have lacked support at the time.
If this happened to you, it might not be too late to get justice now. You can consult with a child sexual abuse attorney to determine whether you are still able to file a lawsuit in your state. Likewise, if you are the parent of a child who had to endure sexual abuse in the Mormon Church, help is available. You do not have to go through this by yourself. There are resources for both counseling and getting justice available to you via a Mormon Church lawsuit.
For a free legal consultation with a child sexual abuse attorney, call 800-794-0444
Call Us Today for Legal Advice
Mormon Church leaders have sexually abused children, and our team is not willing to let them get away with it. For a family, dealing with the effects of sexual abuse on children can be upsetting and heartbreaking. Abuse can rob children of their innocence and childhood, as well as leave emotional scars that may never heal. Those who have endured sexual abuse may feel the detrimental effects throughout their lives. Meanwhile, a perpetrator of sexual abuse in the Mormon Church might get away scot-free due to a cover-up or the protection of the Church.
We believe that this is morally wrong and unlawful and can help you and your family stand up and fight for your rights. While you may feel daunted when thinking about taking on the powerful Mormon Church, we can have your back. Pintas & Mullins Law Firm does not shy away from holding religious institutions to account for their failures and pursuing adequate compensation for our clients.
Consultations are free and confidential. Contact us today at (800) 219-9622.
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