Many homeowners and gardening enthusiasts are looking for a natural alternative to Roundup, a weed killer (herbicide) that may increase your risk of developing certain types of cancer.
Roundup contains glyphosate, a chemical classified by the International Research Agency on Cancer (IRAC) as a “probable human carcinogen.”
Some natural alternatives to Roundup include ordinary household materials such as salt, vinegar, and dish soap. Please continue reading to learn more about these natural alternatives.
How to Control Weeds the Natural Way
The environmental news source EcoWatch is an excellent source of information about natural alternatives to Roundup. You may also check with your state’s horticultural science department for tips on controlling weeds based on the soil, climate, and weather near you.
Boiling Water
You do not have to buy fancy gadgets or special tools for this weed-fighting tactic. All you need is a kettle or a large pan. Bring the water to a boil and pour over weeds. This burns them without hurting any of your plants. It is great for weeds that are growing in the cracks of your driveway or walkway.
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Vinegar and Salt
You have a couple of choices when it comes to this natural alternative to Roundup. You may pour regular five percent household vinegar directly on weeds. You may also mix the vinegar with salt and liquid dish soap for super weed fighting power. Mix one gallon of white vinegar with one cup of salt and mix in a tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Put the mixture into a plastic spray bottle and shake gently. Spray directly on weeds.
Liquid Household Soap
Spray liquid dish detergent on the surface of waxy or hair weed leaves. The oil in the soap naturally breaks down these types of surfaces to do maximum damage to the weed with little or no impact on your grass or plants.
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Vodka and Water “Cocktail”
Using this mixture of vodka and water is certainly not a happy hour for weeds. Combine two cups of vodka, one ounce of ordinary tap water, and a few drops of liquid soap. This is especially effective on weeds growing in full sunlight because the alcohol content in the vodka dries out the weeds and kills the plant.
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Corn Gluten Meal
This powdery byproduct of milled corn may prevent weed seeds from germinating and spreading more unwanted weeds. Corn gluten meal is non-toxic to animals and available at most garden centers or online.
Heavy Plastic Sheet
You can destroy large patches of weeds with a method called solarizing. This method works best for weeds that are in full sun or mostly sunny areas. Cover the weeds with a heavy plastic sheet and leave in place for four to six weeks. The heat from the sun will literally bake the weeds underneath the plastic, leaving them brown and lifeless.
Limit Digging and Tilling
You bring new weed seeds to the surface each time you turn over the soil in your garden or vegetable patch. Limit the amount of digging and tilling to avoid disturbing the soil and promoting new weed growth.
Use Mulch
Mulch smothers weeds. For best results, first cover the ground with plastic, cloth, or other thick material. Then add mulch. You can use straw, wood chips, bark, compost, newspaper, gravel, cardboard, or grass clippings. Avoid using hay, since it contains seeds that sprout those unwanted weeds.
Plant Competition
Weeds grow where there is space, nutrients, sunlight, and water. An effective way to eliminate weeds is to crowd them out with competing plants. Use dense ground covers, perennial plants, shrubs, and trees whose shade and root systems naturally prevent weeds from germinating and spreading.
Manual Removal
It is time-consuming, but consistent hand-weeding using a shovel, hoe, or trowel is an easy, natural alternative to Roundup. Be sure to remove weeds by their roots. This reduces their ability to germinate and weakens weeds with taproots, such as dandelions.
If You Used Roundup and Received a Cancer Diagnosis, Call Us
People who are regularly exposed to Roundup have a 41 percent greater chance of developing certain types of cancer than people who did not regularly use the herbicide, according to a study conducted by the University of Washington. We encourage you to use these natural alternatives to Roundup.
If you suffered exposure to Roundup on a regular, long-term basis and received a diagnosis of cancer, we can help you pursue a financial award for medical bills and other losses. Call Pintas & Mullins Law Firm at (800) 217-6099 for a free consultation.
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