Having insurance can be a lifeline after an unforeseen event, but actually collecting on a claim may be more difficult than it should be. You may face resistance from one or more parties involved in the insurance claims process, and may ultimately suffer from the stress of dealing with an insurance claim. Even worse, you may not receive the compensation you deserve if your claim is not completed correctly. For these reasons, you may hire an Arlington Heights insurance claims lawyer to assist with your claim, which they can oversee from start to finish.
Call Pintas & Mullins Law Firm today at (800) 223-5115 for a free consultation about how we may help with your insurance claim.
When Insurance Comes in Handy
Those who invest heavily, or even moderately, in an asset may generally want to have insurance in the case of an unforeseen event. This broad need for insurance means that there are many different kinds of insurance and many different scenarios in which having insurance could come in handy.
Some types of insurance include:
- Auto insurance, which Investopedia notes is among the different types of third-party insurance policies
- Homeowners insurance
- Product liability insurance
- Health insurance
- Life insurance
- Renters insurance
- General liability insurance for businesses
- Flood insurance
- Travel insurance
The Insurance Information Institute (III) explains that the field of insurance continues to evolve to suit disadvantaged segments of the population, with innovations such as microinsurance perhaps indicating continued changes in the insurance industry. For most, however, there is a slew of circumstances in which an insurance policy may kick in, including:
- A motor vehicle accident
- A natural disaster
- A criminal act such as vandalism or robbery
- Someone being injured on your property
- The death of a loved one
- An unnatural disaster such as a fire
- Damage to personal property
Whatever your circumstances are, it may be worthwhile to file an insurance claim if you even suspect that your policy may cover your losses. If you do file a claim, then you may find that insurance companies do not always process claims in an efficient manner, and may not even deal with you in good faith.
Potential Roadblocks to a Successful Claim
It can be difficult to comprehend just how massive the insurance industry is, as a whole and in specific segments. Yahoo! Finance explains that the auto insurance sector alone accounted for $285 billion in revenue in 2019. The New York Times reports that health insurance companies brought in “an embarrassment of profits” in recent years.
Insurers do not make money by paying out every single claim that they should. It may generally be in their interest to pay out as little in claims as possible while retaining as many premium payments as possible. You may come to understand this if you deal with an insurance company that acts in bad faith.
Some tactics that you may face from an insurance company include:
- Making a low-ball settlement offer quickly
- If you do not accept the low offer, stalling in hopes that, eventually, you will accept the offer
- Disputing that you are owed a greater amount of compensation than they have offered
- Dispatching lawyers on their behalf, which may be a means of intimidation
- Citing lengthy paperwork as a reason to deny or undervalue your claim
An insurance company may use other tactics in an attempt to get you to settle for less than you deserve. You may protect yourself and your rights by hiring an Arlington Heights insurance claims lawyer to represent you in dealings with the insurance companies.
Call Pintas & Mullins Law Firm today to find out how we may be able to take on the insurance companies for you.
For a free legal consultation with a Insurance Claims Lawyers Lawyer serving Arlington Heights, call (800) 223-5115
Legal Services May Cost You Nothing Out-of-Pocket
The team at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm works on a contingency-fee-basis, which means that you may have access to legal services without paying from your own accounts. A contingency fee means that your lawyer will only take a fee for their services if they win for you. If you do not win, they do not get paid.
A lawyer may therefore be able to represent you because your claim is worthy of representation, rather than because you are the client who is willing to pay a high price. For their fee, a lawyer may do several things on your behalf, including:
- Thoroughly reviewing your insurance policy
- Collecting and reviewing any official correspondence that you have received from insurance companies regarding your claim
- Documenting injuries, property damage, and any other harm that is relevant to your claim
- Handling claim-related communications with insurance companies
- Counseling you before you make any on-record statements to insurance companies
- Negotiating an insurance settlement on your behalf
- Taking any additional steps necessary to fight for the compensation that you deserve.
The specific approach that your lawyer takes in representing you may depend on the event that triggered your insurance claim, the ways in which insurance companies are processing your claim, and other factors that define your unique circumstances.
Having a lawyer to handle your claim may provide several benefits. If you or a loved one has been injured because of the event that triggered your claim, then any stress that could come from the claims process may not harm you. Instead, you may be able to spend your time focusing on treatment and recovery.
Your lawyer may have prior experience dealing with insurance claims, including those similar to yours. They may be able to use their legal training, knowledge, and any prior experience in your favor as they fight for a successful outcome to your claim.
Arlington Heights Insurance Claims Lawyers Lawyer Near Me (800) 223-5115
Call Pintas & Mullins Law Firm Today
Insurance companies may have vast resources, while you may not. Hiring an Arlington Heights insurance claims lawyer may strengthen your case for a fair assessment of your claim, and Pintas & Mullins Law Firm does not shy away from tough cases.
Call Pintas & Mullins Law Firm today at (800) 223-5115 for a free consultation.
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