Whether you are visiting a store, a restaurant, or the home of a neighbor, you expect to be safe from harm while on their property. In some cases, however, people or businesses fail to properly maintain their properties, which can cause injuries to others who come on those properties. If you or a loved one suffers injuries while on the property of others, you may have a claim for compensation, which you can pursue with the help of a San Gabriel slip and fall lawyer.
The attorneys at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm handle slip and fall claims for clients every day. We know that you may be going through challenging financial circumstances after you suffer severe injuries in a fall. We want to help you enforce your legal rights to compensation, so we take personal injury claims on a contingent fee basis.
This means that you will not pay us any legal fees upfront. We only get fees for our services when you get compensation for your injuries. Call (800) 223-5115 to get more information about how you can pursue your claim for compensation.
Slip and Fall Claims Under State Law
Legal claims for compensation that result from injuries suffered after a slip and fall accident arise from premises liability law, which holds property owners responsible for injuries that occur on their property due to their own carelessness. Liability or financial responsibility for the injuries of others occurs when property owners fail to keep their property in a safe condition that does not cause harm to others.
Under the California Civil Code (CIV) §1714, property owners are responsible for the injuries that occur on the property that they bring on themselves. Property owners can be liable for the costs of the injuries resulting from slips and falls on their property if they knowingly or carelessly fail to monitor their premises. They also may be liable if they fail to warn others of the potential hazards or fail to remedy any hazards that exist on their property within a reasonable timeframe.
Based on this statutory duty of care, injury victims must prove the following four points to maintain a legal slip and fall claim:
- The parties that the injury victims want to hold liable for their injuries must own or control the property where the injuries occurred.
- The property owners must be negligent or careless in maintaining their property and keeping it free of hazards.
- The victims suffered injuries.
- A significant cause of the injuries to the victim arose from the negligent behavior of the property owners.
The most challenging aspect of premises liability to prove is likely that the property owners were negligent in allowing the hazard to exist on their property. For instance, a storm caused the ceiling in a store to leak and create a slip and fall hazard on the floor, the property owner might not be liable if someone slips less than an hour after it occurs.
If the hazardous condition still exists two days later, however, and the store owner has made no efforts to clean it up or warn customers of the danger, then the owner might be liable if a customer slips and falls. A San Gabriel slip and fall lawyer can examine the circumstances surrounding your situation and determine whether enough evidence supports a claim for compensation.
Limitations on Premises Liability Under State Law
State law does impose some limits on property owners being liable for injuries that happen on their property. If others are using the property for recreational purposes under the California Civil Code §846, property owners give them no assurances that the property will be safe for their usage. Likewise, they are not liable for guests who visit the property for recreational reasons, such as hiking, sightseeing, fishing, hunting, or camping.
For a free legal consultation with a Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer serving San Gabriel, call (800) 223-5115
Deadlines for Filing Slip and Fall Claims for Compensation
All states set deadlines or statutes of limitations for people to file different types of lawsuits, including slip and fall and other personal injury claims. These statutes of limitations vary by state and by the type of claim involved.
The California Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) §335.1 states that injury victims have only two years from the date of their injuries in which to file any claims for compensation that they might have. If injury victims do not file suit within this timeframe, they cannot recover any compensation from the responsible parties. As a result, getting legal advice about any potential claims that you may have can be crucial.
San Gabriel Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer Near Me (800) 223-5115
Get Legal Assistance Today
Injuries from a slip and fall accident can leave you with long recovery times, an inability to work, and piles of medical bills. When your injuries occur as a result of a dangerous condition on the property of others, you may have a claim for compensation against the property owners. A San Gabriel slip and fall lawyer may help you seek compensation for your injury-related expenses and hold negligent property owners accountable for their actions.
As your time to file a claim for compensation is limited, call (800) 223-5115 and explore your options for legal relief. You owe it to yourself and your family to get any compensation for which you are eligible. The lawyers at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm can help you pursue claims for compensation against all potentially responsible parties.
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