Mesothelioma is caused by repeated exposure to asbestos, according to the American Cancer Society.
About 80% of mesothelioma patients had exposure to asbestos.
When people breathe in asbestos fibers, they travel through a person’s airways and eventually lodge in the thin layer of tissue around their lungs. The fibers then inflame and scar the lung tissue, and damage the DNA of the cells. This is known as pleural mesothelioma, which comprises about 75% of all common mesothelioma cases.
However, a person can also get mesothelioma in other ways besides breathing in asbestos fibers. The American Cancer Society notes that some studies have linked a person getting mesothelioma from radiation treatments, which can adversely impact the DNA.
There might be options to recover compensation for someone who has gotten mesothelioma as a result of negligence. You or your loved one might be able to file a claim for a financial settlement against a company’s asbestos trust, negligent building owner, company owner, or insurance company.
Dangers of Mesothelioma
One of the main dangers of mesothelioma is that when a person starts to feel symptoms, it is usually at the time when the disease is at an advanced stage. This is due to the long latency period when the cancer is inside the person but is not showing symptoms.
A person may have been exposed to asbestos anywhere from 20 years ago to 70 years ago before these symptoms show up, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If mesothelioma is not caught in its early stages and symptoms are felt in the later stages, the chance of survival is not great.
One common problem for mesothelioma patients is chronic shortness of breath. The asbestos fibers are lodged in the lung tissue, and that seriously endangers a person’s capacity to breathe. Doctors may be able to remove some of the fluid with various surgical techniques, but these treatments only work in the early stages of cancer.
Other dangers of mesothelioma involve the pain that is felt by many of those suffering. The pain can impact a person’s sleep patterns, daily interactions, nutritional intake, and energy levels. Many patients who suffer in later stages with mesothelioma are usually tended to with palliative care, which can minimize the symptoms of pain felt by the person with mesothelioma.
Gathering Evidence for a Negligence Lawsuit
A person who is suffering in late stages of mesothelioma does have legal options to explore to seek damages in a lawsuit for negligence around asbestos exposure. It is important to gather evidence to create a compelling case against a building owner or an asbestos trust. Any doctor’s records acknowledging what your mesothelioma is caused by will be solid evidence.
A medical record from a doctor that shows that the mesothelioma was caused by asbestos exposure is an important piece of evidence. A law firm can help a plaintiff to prove that a condition of cancer exists. The reasons may vary. It may be because a former employer was not protecting the safety of the workers and was knowingly putting them at risk of asbestos exposure. It could be that the building was emitting asbestos unbeknownst to management or owners.
Most negligence cases around asbestos exposure attempt to show that the building owner, the employer, or insurer was somehow negligent in exercising reasonable care for the safety of the workers. Perhaps there were no strict guidelines for workers on how to produce, distribute, or sell the products with asbestos. Warnings also might not have been provided 40 years ago in a factory setting.
Maybe other workers were also affected by the asbestos exposure and today are suffering from mesothelioma. If there are other persons suffering, a law firm may be able to help you launch a class-action lawsuit against those responsible. It might be helpful to work with law firms who have the experience in dealing with asbestos negligence cases.
If the plaintiffs can prove that a former employer was woefully negligent in its processes to safeguard the health of the workers, then the affected workers may be recipients of compensation for asbestos damages caused by the negligent employer.
For a free legal consultation, call (800) 307-3113
Work with Asbestos Attorneys
An experienced attorney from Pintas & Mullins Law Firm can handle all your questions about an asbestos claim lawsuit. Our free consultation will give you the opportunity to learn what is entailed in an asbestos lawsuit. Our team will listen to your case and help get you on the path to recover damages for your cancer. Call us today at (800) 307-3113.
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