Yes. Roundup contains a suspected carcinogen known as glyphosate, therefore wearing a mask when spraying Roundup can reduce the amount of this chemical entering the respiratory system of the person spraying it.
Dangers of Roundup
Roundup is the product used for over four decades as a weed killer and herbicide throughout the world. The past two decades have developed research leading to the conclusion that the main ingredient of Roundup (glyphosate) may lead to different types of cancers, health conditions, neurodegenerative diseases, and birth defects. Additionally, other research shows that other chemicals contained within Roundup, not only glyphosate, can be toxic and cause harmful effects to a person after long exposure to these chemicals.
Inhaling Roundup and the Diagnosis of Health Issues
Due to the fact that the company engineered crops that were resistant to glyphosate, farmers were left with the need to spray Roundup (also made by Monsanto) in substantially large doses to get rid of weeds and unwanted growth. With more and more exposure to glyphosate, the more these workers suffered exposure to dangerous chemicals. Then, in March 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in The Lancet Oncology medical journal, published the conclusion that glyphosate was a probable carcinogen. This carcinogen was then linked to the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and allegedly linked to renal cell carcinoma, DNA damage, chromosomal damage, pancreatic islet cell tumors, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.
Ways That Roundup Exposure Occurs
Exposure to Roundup can happen in three different ways: through the skin, through the nose and/or mouth, and through food. Many scientists remain unsure about the long-term effects of foods contaminated with Roundup. However, when farmers, agricultural workers, landscapers, professional gardeners, groundskeepers, and pesticide applicators spray the herbicide over long periods of time in great quantities, these workers may inhale great amounts of the chemicals in Roundup. Wearing any kind of protective clothing or using any kind of protective equipment when handling toxic chemicals or pesticides can decrease the risk of poisoning or harm to health.
When workers wear masks when spraying Roundup, they help reduce the risk of exposure through inhalation. Even if a chemical is not toxic in large amounts, repeated exposure to the product can cause issues later in a person’s life. Therefore, it should remain a crucial component for those using Roundup to reduce their amount of personal exposure as much as possible. While you should wear a mask when spraying Roundup, even wearing a mask may not prevent the complete inhalation of the chemicals contained in this product that may contribute to cancer.
Increased Exposure to Roundup Results in Increased Risk
Researchers from the University of Washington concluded in their study that exposure to Roundup increases the risk of a person developing cancer by more than 40% over their lifetime. With more and more victims coming forward and filing claims against Monsanto (now Bayer) for their injuries related to exposure of Roundup and the chemical glyphosate, the courts now appear to rule in favor of this scientific connection.
Filing a Claim Against Monsanto
If you failed to wear a mask while spraying Roundup or wore a mask and still developed any of the symptoms described above, you may wonder how you can file a claim for compensation regarding your injuries resulting from your exposure to glyphosate.
Thousands of people have filed lawsuits against the Monsanto Company, which the large company Bayer has now purchased, according to a report from Bloomberg. These victims argue that their exposure to Roundup and glyphosate resulted in the development of non-Hodgkin lymphoma or other serious medical problems.
Some lawsuits allege that Monsanto intentionally covered up the risks associated with glyphosate, and many court cases such as the one against Monsanto were ultimately decided based on this fact. Several lawsuits to date have been successful in awarding victims compensation for their injuries.
Consider a Roundup Lawyer
If you inhaled substantial amounts of Roundup over time due to your work in farming or agriculture, whether you wore a mask or not, and developed any kind of serious health issues or medical conditions, you may have the right to file a claim for compensation for your injuries against Monsanto.
While filing a claim will never bring back your health, you may have substantial medical bills and the loss of wages due to your inability to return to work along with pain and suffering. Consider visiting with our legal team at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm at (800) 794-0444. We can help you understand how a lawyer can explain your legal rights and help you determine your next steps if you make the decision to file a claim for your injuries.