While it can be difficult to know exactly how far back the history of sexual abuse extends in the Mormon Church, there is some evidence that it may go back at least as far as the 1950s but probably existed well before that. A document published by the whistleblowing organization Mormon Leaks detailed instances of Mormon Church sex abuse going back as far as 1957.
However, most sexual abuse claims have surfaced in the last few decades, with some of these cases going back to the 1980s. A Mormon Church investigation by AP News revealed that former missionary McKenna Denson recently sued the Mormon Church, stating that she was raped by a local Church leader in the early 1980s.
More victims have come forward from the 1990s and onwards. Some have claimed that despite reporting the abuse to church officials at the time, the Mormon Church did nothing to help them pursue justice or compensation. They allege that the Church was more interested in protecting the abusers and its reputation.
We can only know the full extent of Mormon Church sex abuse when victims come forward to speak out and hold the perpetrators to account. Since we cannot know whether all victims of abuse have come forward throughout the years, we cannot know exactly how long sex abuse has been going on in the Mormon Church. However, we know that there have been instances of abuse in the Mormon Church going back at least several decades.
If you or a loved one had to endure egregious sexual offenses by Mormon Church members, even if it happened many years ago, you could still have legal recourse. A sex abuse lawyer can help you assess your legal options and determine your next best steps in an LDS Church lawsuit.
Mormon Church Scandal: The Church’s Response to the Allegations
Seemingly in response to the many allegations of sexual abuse, the Mormon Church established a “Help Line” in 1995. The alleged purpose of the line was to connect church leadership with counselors or legal professionals to ensure compliance with laws pertaining to sexual abuse reporting. However, a Mormon Church investigation by the AP revealed that the “Help Line” was, in fact, used to divert accusations away from law enforcement and instead funnel them to a Salt Lake City law firm that represents the interests of the church.
In one instance, an Arizona church bishop called the line to report a father who was sexually abusing his 5-year-old daughter. Attorneys at the Help Line informed the bishop that he had to keep the abuse secret because he learned of it during a “spiritual confession.” As a result, that particular report was buried for at least seven years while the father’s abuse of the child continued unabated.
In a 2023 LDS Church lawsuit filed in Arizona against the church on behalf of the child, the Mormon Church sexual abuse victims stated, “The Mormon Church implements the Help Line not for the protection and spiritual counseling of sexual abuse victims…but for (church) attorneys to snuff out complaints and protect the Mormon Church from potentially costly lawsuits.”
Mormon Church Sex Abuse Victims Could Still Recover Compensation
Even if your abuse in the Mormon Church happened many decades ago, you could still potentially sue your perpetrator and the Church for your suffering. According to the Connecticut General Assembly, more than ten states made recent changes to their statute of limitations laws that extend the time windows for filing sexual abuse lawsuits. This allows those who suffered from abuse years ago to hold their abusers and potentially other liable parties accountable.
If your Mormon Church sex abuse case stems from many decades ago, you may look back on your life and recognize the negative impact it had on you. The Journal for Family Psychology states that the effects of child sex abuse can persist throughout the victim’s life. Everybody has a different experience, but some of the devastating effects of abuse can be:
- An unwanted pregnancy
- A variety of relationship problems
- Problems with intimacy
- Social isolation
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Anxiety and depression
In a survey of sexual abuse survivors, nine out of ten of those surveyed mentioned that their intimate relationships had suffered due to the effects of abuse, while 89 percent stated that the abuse had a negative impact on their mental health.
Perhaps surprisingly, 72% said that having been the victim of sexual abuse has damaged their career, and almost half stated that their financial situation had also suffered. If this has happened to you, you can take action to fight for the justice and compensation you deserve with the help of a sex abuse lawyer.
In an LDS Church lawsuit, you could recover compensation for any monetary damages as well as so-called non-economic damages, including but not limited to:
- Medical costs
- Counseling
- Loss of income
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional anguish
- Loss of life quality
You could also recover punitive damages.
Clergy Sexual Abuse in Other Organizations
Sadly, the Mormon Church scandal and its history of sexual abuse allegations is not an outlier among religious organizations:
- Since the 1960s, thousands of Catholic priests have been accused of sexual assault
- Between 1987 and 2007, an average of 260 sexual abuse allegations were leveled against clergy and other staff within the Protestant Church every year
- The Lutheran church has dealt with multiple allegations of child pornography, sexual abuse, and rape over the course of several years
- Brooklyn’s Haredi Jewish community has come under fire after accusations they failed to report cases of sexual abuse
- The Southern Baptist Church has been the recipient of hundreds of clergy abuse accusations
Among all of these organizations, the common excuse is one of ignorance. Church officials claim to have had no knowledge of the abuse, yet records continue to contradict this defense and instead show a lack of discipline or accountability for offenders. Instead, more often than not, most of these churches attempted and often succeeded in covering up the abuses.
Your Next Best Steps
Initiating an LDS Church lawsuit can be challenging when it concerns a historic abuse case. First of all, you will have to find out if your state will still permit you to file a lawsuit. You may not know where your abuser lives or even if they are still alive. Collecting evidence and building your case against the Mormon Church all these years later can feel overwhelming.
However, you do not have to struggle with doing this on your own. A sex abuse lawyer knows the laws and can inform you of the statutes of limitations in your state. Your lawyer can also advise you on your best course of action.
As a survivor of Mormon Church sex abuse, you may worry about filing a lawsuit and the feelings and memories it could stir up. We understand and can talk it through with you so you can make an informed decision that you are completely comfortable with. Getting justice, even after many years, can provide closure.
If you have any questions or would like to find out if you have legal recourse, contact a sex abuse lawyer at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm for a free consultation at (800) 219-9622.
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