It is likely that many boys and men suffered abuse in the Mormon Church during the last few decades. However, knowing the exact facts and figures can be challenging as the Mormon Church has made efforts to protect offenders over the years.
The Mormon Church is a tight knit community and has been called a “high-demand” religion. ” Typically, Mormon children grow up in an environment where entire families, friendship circles, and broader communities are Mormon. This can make it extremely difficult for LDS sexual abuse victims to find their voice and speak up about what happened to them, especially if the perpetrator of the abuse is a respected and high-ranking Church official.
Instances of LDS Sexual Abuse of Boys and Men
While most abuse cases that have come to light involve small children and often girls or women, there are some notable cases of abuse of boys within the Mormon Church.
In 2014, the Mapleton Police charged a former Mormon Church bishop with sexual abuse of two teenage boys, then members of his congregation. He was also subsequently charged with witness intimidation, telling one of his victims what to say if questioned by law enforcement. According to AP News, in 2019, authorities convicted a bishop in Utah of sexual abuse of one teenage boy and lewdness with another.
In recent years, the Mormon abuse cases covered by the press are most likely just the tip of the iceberg, especially when considering that sexual abuse has been happening in the Mormon Church for more than seven decades. Many more youths and men may have suffered from LDS sexual abuse within the community than we will ever know. The Mormon Church previously preferred to deal with the issue internally rather than involving law enforcement.
The Mormon Church is a male-dominated organization. As such, it can be particularly difficult for men to come out and accuse a fellow member of the congregation or Church leader of sexual abuse. Unfortunately, this means that the perpetrators of such egregious crimes may have the opportunity to commit their terrible offenses for years and even decades without anyone holding them to account. If the sexual predator is in a position of power over the victim, they may threaten them with consequences if they report them.
In a traditional society such as the Mormon Church, it is frowned upon for men to show weakness and vulnerability. With the shame and embarrassment that often goes hand in hand with being a victim of sex abuse, this may stop many men from reporting sexual abuse.
If you or a loved one is a male survivor of sex abuse in the Mormon Church who has not spoken out due to shame or embarrassment, you could still have legal recourse. You may be able to file a lawsuit against the LDS Church and sue a perpetrator for damages. Consulting with a sex abuse lawyer who is highly experienced in fighting against the Church can help you find out about your legal options. You could potentially recover compensation for your suffering.
Legal Support and Advocacy for Male Sexual Abuse Survivors
According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, male socialization contributes to a deep emotional struggle for male sexual abuse survivors. Because men tend to associate victimization and vulnerability with femininity and weakness, they may have difficulty asking for help and are even prone to suppressing their emotions in the wake of sexual abuse. Instead, many male sexual abuse survivors will express anger rather than pain or fear, believing that it maintains their sense of power as a man.
A law firm that focuses on assisting men who have been victims of LDS sexual abuse will assist with legal support as well as advocacy that is trauma informed and confidential to assist the survivors in reclaiming their lives.
Compensation You Could Receive
If the Mormon Church acted in a grossly negligent manner, you could receive punitive damages in addition to any compensation for your damages. Types of compensation you could recover can include medical expenses and any psychological counseling fees, among others.
Survivors of sexual abuse can also potentially claim compensation for any long-term negative effects the sexual abuse has had on their lives. They could potentially receive non-economic damages for:
- Emotional distress
- Loss of life quality
- Loss of consortium
For a free legal consultation, call (800) 794-0444
Overcoming the Stigma of Male Sexual Abuse and Embracing Justice
Overcoming the stigma of being a male sexual abuse victim can be extremely difficult. Reaching out for both mental and emotional support is key to healing. Seeking justice and accountability for the perpetrator or the institution that allowed the assault or even covered it up is critical to finding closure for the victim as well as ensuring that the perpetrator does not assault others in the future. Filing a clergy abuse lawsuit is the first step forward in that process.
A Sex Abuse Lawyer Can Fight for You
There is evidence that the Mormon Church has sexually abused men and boys, even if, to date, only a few cases have appeared in the public domain.
We understand that deciding whether to come forward and report abuse, especially if it happened decades ago, can be an agonizing one. However, some victims find that finally standing up to their abuser and getting justice for the pain and distress they had to endure can help with recovery. A victim of abuse can feel violated as well as powerless. Taking legal action and demanding justice can help you take back your power.
Holding an offender and potentially the Church accountable can also help you and your family find closure. While it cannot turn back time, compensation can provide the means for sufferers to access certain services and help with healing in many ways.
Filing a Clergy Abuse Lawsuit and Statutes of Limitations
Even if the abuse happened many years ago when you were a child, it might not be too late to get justice. Many states have revised the time limits for filing lawsuits in sexual abuse cases. You can contact us to find out whether you might still be eligible.
Ultimately, the best course of action for a male sexual abuse survivor is to report LDS sexual abuse to the church as well as law enforcement. Finding healing and justice with the support and advice of trained legal professionals will help eliminate a victim’s feelings of powerlessness and restore a sense of autonomy and healing from pain and trauma.
Call Pintas & Mullins Law Firm today for a free and confidential evaluation of your case: (800) 219-9622.
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