A dog attack is a frightening situation. Dog bites are also one of the most common non-fatal injuries that Americans suffer, according to a study published in Heliyon. These incidents can be very serious, even life-threatening, and result in costly damages.
You may have already lost wages, missed work, and paid costly medical bills as a result of your accident. Trying to do the work of building your case on your own only adds to your undue stress. But with the help of a New Mexico dog bite lawyer, you can take some of the weight off your shoulders.
Call us today at (800) 816-0755. Our team of lawyers knows New Mexico law, so you do not need to. You have already suffered enough. Pintas & Mullins Law Firm is ready to hear about your dog bite injury and put together your case. We do not shy away from tough cases.
Dog Bites Are Common, Dangerous, and Costly
It can happen in the blink of an eye. A dog can attack and bite suddenly, leaving the victim no time to defend themselves. Within seconds, you can suffer an injury requiring surgery, hospitalization, or worse. You, as the victim of the attack, should not be the one who has to pay for these expenses. According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), homeowners insurers paid out $797 million in claims that involved dogs, both for bites and other injuries linked to dogs, in 2019.
You can find dogs in every neighborhood of this country. In fact, the III reports nearly 90 million dogs are part of households in the United States. Even a well-trained dog can become aggressive and bite an unsuspecting person. A dog attack or bite can cause serious injury, even death.
The dog that bit you or a loved one may have been one you were familiar with, even trusted. People, including children, usually let their guard down around family dogs or pets they are used to being around. But, even these seemingly friendly dogs can attack. Often, dog bites happen to children.
When dogs attack children, the injury usually occurs to the head and neck. Injuries to those parts of the body can leave life-altering damage. There is also a risk of illness from rabies or an infection caused by the bite.
No matter how the injury happened, a dog attack is frightening, painful, and traumatizing. Dog bites and other dog-related injuries (such as falling while trying to escape an attacking dog) are common and can impact victims of all ages.
These accidents can occur because the victim was provoking the dog or trespassing on private property, of course. But some attacks are simply the result of an unruly dog in the hands of an irresponsible and careless owner.
If you or a loved one were the victim of a dog bite, a New Mexico dog bite lawyer can help you navigate the law, build a case, and get what you deserve for your pain and suffering. We at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm can investigate the law in your area and help you take the next steps in your case.
Dogs Owners Are Responsible for Their Pets
Simply put, a dog owner is responsible for their own dog. Even if the owner believes their dog would never harm anyone, dogs are still animals. A dog can bite at any time, even without provocation. The dog is not always to blame, but that does not mean the owner should not be held responsible. A dog that is not well trained or properly socialized can get easily scared and lash out.
If an owner knows that their dog could become vicious, they are liable for securing the dog and protecting others, regardless of whether they think their pet is likely to attack, according to New Mexico Uniform Jury Instructions 13-506. Even if you injured yourself fleeing from an attacking dog, the dog owner may still be liable. The owner of a dangerous dog may even be subject to regulations from a county or city, in addition to the state’s statutes. Having a lawyer on your team will help with wading through complicated legalities.
Owning a pet is a major responsibility. Aside from the obvious care needed to keep a pet happy and healthy, a person needs to ensure that their pet is not a danger to others. Local ordinances can require that owners maintain a fence or keep the dog on a leash, and owners who fail to do so can face consequences. If the owner failed to take the necessary precautions to secure their dog and keep it from harming others, they may be liable.
Call us today for a free consultation about your case. We know what it takes to argue your case and fight to hold the owner responsible for your dog bite.
For a free legal consultation, call (800) 816-0755
Let Us Go to Work for You
A dog bite can result in serious health issues, such as infection, that may require a hospital stay. If the victim was a child, the results can be catastrophic. Aside from physical injuries, you or your loved one may also suffer from a fear of dogs after your attack, which can be debilitating. This is a serious matter, and the liability of a dog owner should not be taken lightly.
A New Mexico dog bite lawyer can work with you to recoup lost wages, medical expenses, and other awards for your injury. The team at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm is ready to help. Do not let yourself suffer further. You are the victim, and you should not have to pay for something that was not your fault.
Call our team now at (800) 816-0755 to discuss your case and the next steps we can take. We want to help you recover from your dog bite accident. Remember, you do not have to pay anything out of pocket for your consultation when you call. We only get paid if you receive compensation for your case.
Call or text (800) 816-0755 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form