Putting a loved one in a nursing home can be one of the most gut-wrenching decisions a family can ever make. And once that decision is made, what do you do if you suspect there may be a problem with the level of care the nursing home is providing to your loved one?
Recognizing how difficult these issues can be, Laura Mullins and I decided to share the truths and challenges both of us have seen in representing thousands of nursing home clients over the past 30 years. The result is our first book together – “Nursing Home Nightmares: Fighting for the Rights of Your Loved Ones.”
Answering the Most Commonly-Asked Questions
Sadly, all of us have heard horror stories about nursing homes providing criminally poor care to the elderly. With that in mind, Laura and I wanted to use our experience to help families with loved ones going into nursing homes, families with concerns about loved ones already living in nursing homes, and families who know something is wrong, but don’t know what steps to take next.
Our book answers all of the most commonly-asked questions about finding a good nursing home, as well as what to do if you suspect there may be a problem.
“Nursing Home Nightmares” provides a comprehensive guide to every part of the nursing home experience. With an eye toward helping families avoid nightmare situations if at all possible – or handle them if they do occur – the book includes chapters which describe:
- Finding a good nursing home (including how to know it’s time and how to pay for it);
- What can go wrong – common types of harm and other types of injury, illness, and abuse;
- What to do if you suspect something is wrong at the nursing home in which a loved one is living and how to change nursing homes; and
- How to pursue legal action (including what will it cost, why consider a lawsuit, and when to hire a lawyer).
What to Do If You Have Questions About Nursing Homes
“Nursing Home Nightmares: Fighting for the Rights of Your Loved Ones” is available free of charge. You can get your copy today by going to Amazon or contacting The Pintas & Mullins Law Firm directly.
And for more information about nursing homes and the rights of nursing home residents, call the experienced nursing home lawyers at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm at 800-794-0444 or visit us online. Our services are free, and you pay nothing unless we win a settlement or verdict on your behalf.
Call or text (800) 842-6336 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form