Mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases are aggressive and complicated illnesses. Research is critical because there is still no known cure. Unfortunately, ourasbestos lawyers have learned that this important research may be threatened by internal and external pressures.
This in turn is threatening research into advanced medical treatment options for mesothelioma and other cancers.
Some of the major concerns in a recently released report by the Research Universities Futures Consortium include soaring tuition expenses, decreasing federal funding, inadequate or no public confidence, increasing compliance concerns, decreasing endowments and more and more international competition.
A lot of the developments in mesothelioma treatment come from university research programs. The schools that perform research on the cancer are centers of expertise for clinical trials, research, discussion and treatment. The University of Pennsylvania, University of Hawaii, UCLA, University of Texas and University of Chicago are major research universities recognized for their premier mesothelioma research and cancer centers.
The cancer centers in research universities are considered the best places for a patient diagnosed with mesothelioma to approach for treatment. These universities are often the ones that come up with surgical advancements, progress in gene therapy and other kinds of treatment.
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University research programs concentrating on mesothelioma get considerable financial support from government funding and grants. This enables them to provide groundbreaking treatment options. According to a patient advocate and nurse at a mesothelioma center, without research universities, there would be a slowing down of advancements directed at finding a cure or better treatment for mesothelioma.
The objectives of the group’s study were to broadly examine the situation surrounding university research, spot any challenges the universities face and find out how the schools plan to tackle these challenges. By comprehending shared difficulties, the researchers hoped to determine underlying causes and ways to solve them, which were relevant to all research programs.
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Even bigger threats were identified following a year of detailed analysis and interviews with individuals directly associated with the day-to-day management of these programs. The study grouped the challenges into six broad subjects – increasing compliance and regulation, limited resources compared with demand owing to competition, inadequate appreciation and understanding by university stakeholders regarding suitable support and staffing, a requirement of standardized metrics by stakeholders and institutions, insufficient story-telling by stakeholders and staff regarding the actual value of university studies to the society at large, and a growing need for improved and increased information by way of planning.
For the mesothelioma community, the research battle is intensified because of the rarity of this type of cancer, which in turn translates to in-built limitations that would have to be looked into.
Apartment Residents Concerned about Asbestos Exposure
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When toxic asbestos fibers are inhaled, life-threatening diseases such as mesothelioma result. In fact, hazardous asbestos concerns recently spread through a Manhattan apartment complex. The results of testing of debris and dust from the site found dangerous quantities of white asbestos on the top level of the building that exceeded permissible limit. This led to an immediate work stoppage order to protect the safety of residents.
If you developed mesothelioma from asbestos exposure, it is important to contact amesothelioma lawyer to know your legal rights and to help you fight for a maximum mesothelioma settlement.
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