Millions of Americans take the blood thinner Plavix to reduce their risk of blood clots, which may lead to heart attack or stroke. Since Plavix can lead to an upset stomach, doctors often prescribe Prilosec and Nexium to treat this symptom. However, the FDA recently issued warnings that these medications may decrease the anti-clotting benefits by Plavix by almost half. This can be very dangerous, as patients may not be effectively treated for their risk of heart attack or stroke as a result.
In January 2009, the prescription information of Plavix was first updated by the FDA to warn against simultaneous use of Prilosec. The latest warning by the FDA from November 18, 2009 regarding Plavix describes the extent of the effect Prilosec has on Plavix. It also includes additional drugs that may lead to a decreased effectiveness of Plavix. These drugs inhibit production of an enzyme that allows Plavix to work. Other drugs that may lead to the decreased effectiveness of Plavix include:
Diflucan, Felbatol, Intelence, Luvox, Nizoral, Prozac, Serafem, Symbvax, Tagamet, Ticlid, VFEND
If you are currently taking any of these drugs with Plavix, do not discontinue taking them until you have checked with your doctor.
If you have suffered a heart attack or stroke, or any other blood clot-related adverse event while on Plavix and Prilosec or Nexium, contact the Chicago personal injury attorneys at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm today. Our Chicago-based law firm has over two decades of experience, and we have extensive knowledge about nationwide drug litigation. Contact us today for a free no-obligation consultation and to learn about your legal rights.
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