Pintas & Mullins PR Injury Attorneys has a zero tolerance for fraud, whether in the form of a consumer signing up to be contacted after providing false contact information, or by describing injuries or actions that never transpired. Given the nature of our law firm’s services and the fact that we take cases where we sue defendants over improper conduct that leads to physical and emotional injury, we must ensure that our prospective clients are truthful with us. The importance of being truthful starts from the point when a consumer contacts our law firm for an initial consultation.
In addition, since our practice does not require clients to outlay any money, it becomes even more important that we perform thorough due diligence because we risk not just our reputation, but our time is money in preparing to file and prosecute a lawsuit.
If a consumer provides false contact information or misrepresents the circumstances of an injury, we reserve all rights to seek redress.
Steps taken to ensure truthful inquiries and representation.
When a consumer completes an online form to be contacted by our firm or our co-counsel, we reach out to the inquiring party to confirm their information is correct. This includes making sure that the telephone number ties back to the individual and requesting a complete description of the circumstances that led to their purported injury.
If there is reason to believe that the information provided was untruthful or fraudulent, we add such contact information, including the associated IP address of any opt-in, to an internal no contact list. If it appears that someone was intentionally misrepresenting their contact information or circumstances in an effort to harm or damage Pintas & Mullins PR or its co-counsel, the law firm may report any and all fraudulent activities to the appropriate regulatory and law enforcement or file suit against such individual for the unlawful conduct.