Similar to other types of cancer, mesothelioma is not curable for many people. Presently, there is not enough information to support more comprehensive studies about this illness. According to the Mayo Clinic, asbestos exposure is a primary risk of mesothelioma, and those who now have a diagnosis of this disease likely worked with asbestos 20 to 60 years ago. This indicates that mesothelioma can remain dormant for decades and show symptoms only when it has progressed significantly.
There is still more research to be done regarding mesothelioma diagnosis techniques, and doctors usually identify this cancer when it is already in the later stages. This can make treatment more challenging and results in a poor prognosis for patients. During the early stages, patients typically do not experience symptoms or have only mild ones. A misdiagnosis can also occur, which may delay treatment. By the time mesothelioma appears on imaging tests, it may have spread already to other parts of the body.
How Asbestos Causes Mesothelioma
Although people have been aware for years of the hazards of coming in contact with asbestos, there was not much information about the underlying reason. When asbestos fibers make their way into the body, they can trigger tissue repair and cause a person’s immune system to become unbalanced. This then renders the system unable to fight tumor formation.
When unmoved, asbestos fibers do not pose much threat to safety. According to Oregon State University, only when a disturbance occurs will these particles become suspended in the air, increasing the chances of people breathing them in. The particles often end up in the mesothelium, or the layer of tissue surrounding the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Fibers can remain lodged for decades, and inflammation occurs as the body’s immune system tries to repair affected tissue. Surrounding cells can continue to increase abnormally through the years, eventually resulting in the development of cancer.
The Dangers of Misdiagnosis
Misdiagnosis is also one reason why mesothelioma can be so deadly. Some medical professionals do not have the chance to encounter the disease during their careers, and it is easy to mistake it for another illness. Before mesothelioma garnered much public attention, some doctors attributed its symptoms to other health conditions. Unfortunately, prompt detection is critical in having a favorable prognosis. The later the diagnosis, the more resistant cancer will be to treatment options.
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How to Increase the Life Expectancy of a Mesothelioma Patient
As mentioned, early detection is crucial when it comes to treating mesothelioma and improving life expectancy. Consider consulting another healthcare professional if you have been exposed to asbestos in the past and are experiencing chest pain, persistent cough, fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, and difficulty breathing. Medical treatment can be costly, so do not hesitate to reach out to a mesothelioma lawyer to determine if you qualify for compensation.
Know Which Compensation Option Is Right for You
Hire a mesothelioma injury lawyer at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm today to discover your eligibility in seeking awards for your injuries. If another party is responsible for your illness, you may be able to bring a mesothelioma claim against those who have harmed you. Call us at (800) 307-3113 to request a free legal review of your case and find the support you need.
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