There is no blood test currently available that determines if a person had asbestos exposure. However, some new blood tests show promise that they could detect mesothelioma years before a patient would exhibit symptoms. While there is still no cure for mesothelioma, knowing years before any symptoms appear that a patient has cancer can increase their ability to receive lifesaving treatments years earlier and prolong their life.
Asbestos and Mesothelioma
Many people exposed to asbestos will never develop malignant mesothelioma, which is cancer that can occur in the lining surrounding the lungs, heart, abdomen, and testes. Scientists and researchers have no clear answers about why some people exposed to asbestos develop mesothelioma, and others do not.
Blood Tests for Mesothelioma
Several promising blood tests have become available that might have the ability to determine whether a person could develop mesothelioma. While these blood tests do not indicate asbestos exposure, those who have a known history of exposure to asbestos can take advantage of these tests to determine whether to proceed with specific mesothelioma treatments before any development of symptoms.
Some of these blood tests can show certain markers in the blood up to a decade before mesothelioma symptoms ever appear. According to the American Cancer Society, these blood tests work by looking for specific proteins that often indicate the presence of certain types of cancer, including mesothelioma.
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Types of Blood Tests for Mesothelioma
The American Cancer Society warns that these blood tests do not diagnose mesothelioma but can prompt doctors to perform further tests to confirm it. When a patient tests positive for the proteins that indicate an increased possibility of developing mesothelioma, they can receive earlier intervention and treatment, possibly prolonging their life.
Some blood tests that will look for the protein markers often indicative of cancers such as mesothelioma include:
- MESOMARK blood test: This blood test comes from AURP Laboratories and measures the presence of soluble mesothelin-related peptides (SMRP). The American Cancer Society indicates that the presence of certain peptides often signals an increased risk of developing mesothelioma in patients.
- Fibulin-3 test: The journal Radiology and Oncology considers this blood test a potential mesothelioma biomarker that measures its progression.
- SOMAmer blood test: This blood test is 90 percent accurate and measures 13 different biomarkers to determine if a patient will develop mesothelioma.
- Human MPF Elisa Kit: This blood test measures a protein known as MPF encoded in specific genes that can determine whether a patient may develop mesothelioma.
While there is no blood test for asbestos exposure, asbestos exposure remains significant because nearly 80 percent of all mesothelioma patients had exposure to this carcinogenic mineral. Visiting with your doctor or medical professional can help you determine which of these tests might be the most appropriate for your facts and circumstances.
Blood Test Impact on Mesothelioma Treatments and Survival Rates
Mesothelioma remains an untreatable type of cancer. In many cases, patients suffering from mesothelioma learn far too late that their condition has rapidly metastasized throughout their bodies. Mesothelioma remains challenging to diagnose in its early stages because symptoms either do not present or are very subtle and attributable to other common disorders or the normal aging process.
If a patient decides to take a blood test that could determine that they are a prime candidate to develop mesothelioma within the next decade, doctors can then start treatment years earlier, including chemotherapy or surgery to remove lung tumors.
Starting these treatments earlier would allow a doctor to catch the disease before it can metastasize throughout the body. As a result, early detection could drastically improve the patient’s quality of life and their life expectancy rate. Additionally, finding these cancerous cells as early as possible will possibly help doctors discover treatments that could eventually lead to a future cure for mesothelioma.
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Consider How a Mesothelioma Lawyer Can Help You
Unfortunately, there is no blood test for asbestos exposure, nor is there a cure for mesothelioma. However, if you took a blood test that indicated the presence of proteins commonly associated with mesothelioma, at some point, you likely were exposed to asbestos at the workplace or when using everyday household products that contained asbestos.
If you develop mesothelioma, you might have the right to pursue compensation from any negligent party that exposed you to asbestos without your knowledge. Consider visiting with our legal team at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm to learn how an asbestos and mesothelioma lawyer can help you. Call us today at (800) 794-0444 for a free case review with a team member.
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