Did you suffer a dog bite injury in Indianapolis, Indiana? You may be eligible for a monetary settlement or award that includes payment for a number of economic and noneconomic losses, such as medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering, just to name a few. The owner of the dog that bit you should be the one who pays for these costs, not you. A personal injury lawyer from Pintas & Mullins Law Firm can handle your case and make sure you get compensated fairly.
The Indianapolis dog bite lawyers at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm have helped dog bite injury victims in Indiana and want to put our resources to work for you next. We will build a strong case on your behalf and pursue the responsible party or parties for compensation. If they do not agree to a fair settlement, we can go to court and try your case in front of a jury. No matter our approach, we never collect a fee until you get paid.
To receive a free dog bite injury case evaluation with Pintas & Mullins Law Firm today, call us at (800) 816-0755.
After a Dog Bite: What to Do
What you do immediately after a dog bite affects not only your prognosis for a full recovery from your injury but also your chances of pursuing recovery from the pet’s owner.
We understand that the moments after a dog bite can be frantic and stressful, especially if your wound is severe or you are in a lot of pain. If possible, make sure to do these four things after a dog bites you:
Get the Owner’s Info
If at all possible, you should never leave the scene of a dog bite injury without getting the name and contact information of the animal’s owner. If you or the authorities cannot find the owner of the dog—the dog was running loose, perhaps—then try to exchange contact information with a witness, someone who can provide a statement later and who may be able to help us track down the owner.
Photograph the Wound and the Dog
If it is safe to do so, try to get a photo of the dog and one of your wounds while it is still fresh and raw. These photos provide the kind of powerful evidence that helps us build a strong claim for damages.
Seek Immediate Medical Care
By seeing a doctor right away, you can ensure you receive any medical care you need to treat your wounds. You also create a medical record that ties the dog bite to your specific injuries.
Get a Case Evaluation from a Dog Bite Lawyer in Indianapolis
Even if you are not sure if the owner is liable for your injuries, it is worth your time to get a case evaluation from an Indianapolis dog bite lawyer. An attorney can go over your legal options and let you know what you might expect in the way of compensation if you move forward with a claim or lawsuit.
Dog Bite Liability in Indiana
Indiana Code §15-20-1 makes it explicitly clear that a dog owner bears liability for a bite or attack by their pet even if the dog has no history of bites or the owner is not aware of any aggressive tendencies in the animal.
The only stipulation is that for the owner to bear liability, the victim must have been acting peaceably at the time of the bite or attack and must not have been doing anything to intentionally provoke or anger the dog.
Because of this stipulation, it is possible that the dog owner and their attorney will try to argue that the bite was not the dog’s fault, that perhaps you did something, whether knowingly or unknowingly, to spur the animal to attack.
The Indianapolis dog bite lawyers at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm are ready for any such counterattack. We will be ready with evidence showing that the attack was unprovoked, and the owner was negligent for creating a situation in which it was able to happen.
For a free legal consultation with a Indianapolis Dog Bite Lawyer serving Indianapolis, call (800) 816-0755
You May Be Eligible for Compensation
As a dog bite victim in Indiana, you may be eligible for economic and noneconomic compensation for your injuries. The legal team at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm will tabulate your total losses and build a case that will help us pursue the full amount. Your settlement or award may include money for:
- Medical bills
- Lost earnings from work
- Reduced earning capacity
- Pain and suffering
Indianapolis Indianapolis Dog Bite Lawyer Near Me (800) 816-0755
The Statute of Limitations on Dog Bite Lawsuits in Indiana
According to Indiana Code § 34-11-2-4, you have two years from the date of a dog bite injury to pursue a legal challenge against the animal’s owner or against any other party you believe is responsible. Pintas & Mullins Law Firm can make sure you do not let any important deadlines pass that could compromise the validity of your case. We can file a quick lawsuit if necessary, to preserve your right to compensation.
Click to contact our Indianapolis Dog Bite Lawyers today
Call to Receive a Free Dog Bite Case Evaluation
The Indianapolis dog bite lawyers at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm are ready to start working on your case today. We will gather evidence, talk to witnesses, review your medical reports, and do anything else we need to build a thorough, compelling case for compensation. There is never a fee until we recover money for you. To speak with a member of our team today and receive a free, no-obligation case evaluation, call (800) 816-0755.
Call or text (800) 816-0755 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form