Although the majority of lung cancer cases relate to cigarette smoking, there are other causes of lung cancer that could involve exposure to dangerous chemicals or substances. If someone else’s negligence led to your exposure to these chemicals and the diagnosis of lung cancer, you have the right to seek awards for your pain, suffering, and medical bills.
Consider contacting a trusted Los Angeles lung cancer lawyer to help with your case. The Pintas & Mullins Law Firm is ready to investigate your case and determine exactly which parties should be held liable for your illness. For a free consultation, contact us at (800) 217-6099 as soon as possible.
What Is Lung Cancer?
The appearance of cancerous cells in the lungs will lead to a diagnosis of lung cancer. According to the Mayo Clinic, lung cancer kills more people worldwide than any other type of cancer.
In the early stages of lung cancer, the illness may show very limited symptoms or no symptoms at all. Unless you have heightened risk factors for lung cancer, these mild symptoms mean your doctor may not catch the lung cancer until it has advanced to a serious stage. Some symptoms of advanced lung cancer include:
- Persistent cough
- Fresh blood appearing when you cough
- Difficulty breathing
- Becoming winded easily during exercise
- Persistent hoarse voice
- Unexplained pain in the chest
If, in the past, you were exposed to substances that have been proven to increase the chances of developing lung cancer, you should mention this to your doctor. Your doctor should then closely examine your lungs during regular checkups and test them for any early signs of the disease.
Risks for Lung Cancer Beyond Smoking
Beyond cigar and cigarette smoking, many other substances and exposures can lead to the formation of cancerous cells in the lungs, including:
- E-cigarettes: where someone who is using vaping products could have a greater chance of suffering a lung injury, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- Exposure to dangerous substances: where substances like radon gas, asbestos, nickel, and arsenic could create a greater chance of developing lung cancer.
- Family history: where someone who has a history of lung cancer in the family will have a higher risk of developing lung cancer.
- Radiation therapy: where someone who is receiving radiation treatments for another type of cancer in the area of the chest could end up developing lung cancer in the future.
Exposure to dangerous substances may have occurred without your knowledge. Perhaps your employer caused your exposure, failing to protect you.
Even if your exposure to a dangerous substance was many years ago, and you did not develop lung cancer until now, you still have the right to seek compensation. As a Los Angeles lung cancer lawyer, the Pintas & Mullins Law Firm will work hard on your behalf to show that another party’s negligence led to your lung cancer diagnosis.
For a free legal consultation with a Lung Cancer Lawyer serving Los Angeles, call (800) 217-6099
Awards After a Lung Cancer Case
If you and your attorney can show that someone else’s negligence led to your lung cancer, you may be able to receive compensation for a variety of items, including:
- Reimbursement for past medical bills
- Compensation for projected future medical bills
- Reimbursement for missed work time, both now and in the future
- Reduction in quality of life
- Compensation for pain and suffering
If the exposure to the dangerous substance leads to the death of a loved one, you have the right to bring a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of your deceased loved one. You could also receive compensation for funeral and burial expenses.
Los Angeles Lung Cancer Lawyer Near Me (800) 217-6099
Exposure to Asbestos
One form of lung cancer for which you could receive compensation because of an unwanted exposure is mesothelioma, which is a type of lung cancer that only occurs after someone receives an exposure to asbestos, according to the CDC.
If you receive a diagnosis of mesothelioma or another type of asbestos related lung cancer, your doctor may order an x-ray or a CT scan of your lungs to determine the extent of the spread of the cancer.
Although mesothelioma is an extremely deadly form of cancer, doctors may try some treatment options, including:
- Supplementary oxygen
- Rehabilitation exercises for the lungs
- Medications
Some of these treatments can extend the life of the person with mesothelioma for anywhere from several months to several years.
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Exposure to Radon Gas
If you received an exposure to radon gas in an enclosed area, you could greatly increase your risks of developing lung cancer. Sometimes, radon gas appears in the lower level of a building or home, as uranium in the soil breaks down and emits radon gas that passes through a foundation.
If you lived in a lower level of an apartment building or worked in a lower level of an office building and were exposed to radon gas, you may be able to hold the building owner liable for the exposure, because the owner should have tested regularly for radon gas, which could have prevented your exposure.
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Seeking Compensation for Your Exposure to Carcinogens
According to the CDC, more than 200,000 people receive a lung cancer diagnosis in the United States annually. Determining whether your cancer diagnosis is the fault of someone else is not always an easy process. Sometimes, your exposure to the substance that eventually led to your lung cancer diagnosis occurred several years or even a couple of decades ago.
At the Pintas & Mullins Law Firm, our team will do the investigative work to figure out how you became exposed and who should be held liable. We are ready to work tirelessly on your behalf to figure out what happened to you, helping you receive the awards that you deserve for your pain, suffering, and medical bills.
As a trusted Los Angeles lung cancer lawyer, we know how tough this diagnosis can be for your family. You and your loved ones may have a lot of questions about how to proceed. Call us at (800) 217-6099 for a free review of your case. If you choose to hire us, we will be ready to begin working on your behalf immediately.
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