The Department of Defense is investigating 651 military bases that could be contaminated with per- and polyflouroalkyl substances (PFAS), as of 2019. Some investigations of military sites that have been contaminated with PFAS chemicals include:
- The Naval Air Warfare Center in Warminster, PA
- Fort Bragg, NC
- U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY
- Fort Hood, Texas
Those who live on or near military sites are not the only ones who may be impacted by PFAS chemical contamination.
PFAS Chemicals are “Forever Chemicals”
One of the reasons why PFAS chemicals are controversial is their designation as a “forever chemical.” Their chemical makeup makes PFAS chemicals extremely resistant to degradation, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
While this status makes them useful as the basis for Teflon, non-stick chemical coatings, and other purposes, it also makes them nearly impossible to dispose of, whether in the human body or environment.
PFAS may be ingested by humans in a few different ways, including contaminated water sources such as those found near many military installation bases. When humans ingest, absorb, or breathe dangerous levels of PFAS chemicals, serious health consequences may result.
Health Problems Associated With Forever Chemicals
According to the EPA, health problems stemming from exposure to PFAS chemicals may include:
- Abnormally high cholesterol levels, which may be associated with heart disease, stroke, heart attack, and other possibly-fatal conditions
- Interruption or alteration of hormone production, which may be a precursor for diseases such as cancer
- Negative impact on your immune system, which could make you susceptible to various ailments
Findings published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found that unsafe exposure to PFAS could:
- Harm the verbal and non-verbal intellectual capabilities of children who are exposed to high levels of PFAS chemicals before birth
- May increase women’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes
Additional health problems related to PFAS chemical exposure may include:
- Cancer (bladder, blood, kidney, liver, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, thyroid)
- Low birth weights
- Preeclampsia
- Thyroid (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, Hashimoto’s, Grave’s, Goiter, thyroid nodules)
- Ulcerative colitis
If you or your loved one has developed a health condition and has reason to believe that exposure to PFAS chemicals may be a contributing or causal factor, then you may have grounds to bring a lawsuit against one or more responsible parties.
How You Could be Exposed to PFAS Chemicals
There are several ways that you may have come into contact with or ingested forever chemicals that may have put your health at risk. As has been the case with residents living near or on affected military bases, you could ingest PFAS chemicals by ingesting contaminated:
- Water
- Soil or dust
- Organisms that live in environments contaminated with PFAS chemicals
Aside from being exposed to contaminated environments, forever chemicals may exist in places that you did not suspect—often, they are there by design, not by accident. According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), some of these sources could include:
- Certain kitchenware with non-stick coating, especially those that use Teflon.
- Food wrappers and containers that contain grease-resistant materials.
- Coatings that are water-resistant or stain-resistant.
- Certain cleaning materials.
- Certain personal care products, including ones that you would apply to your face or use in your mouth.
You may be eligible for a lawsuit against one or more parties if you have experienced a health problem after:
- Living one of the many military sites contaminated with PFAS chemicals.
- Living in another region where unsafe amounts of PFAS chemicals have been found in drinking water, water from which you have fished, soil, or other elements of the environment.
- Working in a factory that produced or heavily utilized PFAS chemicals.
Many other circumstances could entitle you to compensation because of exposure to forever chemicals. If you are considering a lawsuit because of suspected or confirmed PFAS exposure, you can consult a lawyer about your options.
How a Lawyer May Help You Bring Legal Action
If you believe that you or your loved one is ill because of exposure to a military base that has been contaminated with PFAS, a lawyer may:
- Help you receive testing to prove possible contamination in your environment.
- Consult experts to testify to the possible link between PFAS chemical exposure and your illness.
- Help you identify parties who could be liable for your exposure.
- Provide all necessary legal services to complete your lawsuit.
- Protect your rights.
You could be entitled to compensation for losses you have sustained because of PFAS chemical exposure, possibly including but not limited to:
- Healthcare costs.
- Lost income.
- Pain and suffering.
How Pintas & Mullins Law Firm May Assist You
We do not shy away from tough cases and want to help protect you from suffering any further harm related to PFAS exposure. Call our team at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm today at (800) 788-4155 for a free consultation.
As our client, you will pay nothing upfront or out of pocket, and we only collect a fee if we secure compensation for you.