Certain types of dental floss contain PFAS, according to a Harvard School of Public Health article. If you were recently diagnosed with a health condition related to PFAS exposure from dental floss, we might be able to help you. You may be entitled to compensation for your resulting medical bills and pain and suffering.
At Pintas & Mullins Law Firm, we fight for the rights of victims who suffer painful health conditions and who face extensive medical costs due to PFAS. If this man-made chemical impacted your health, you could possibly hold the manufacturer accountable.
PFAS and Dental Floss
Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are man-made chemicals found in non-stick cookware, waterproof materials, and in certain types of dental floss.
There is a link between PFAS and certain health conditions, according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Some of these include:
- Cancer (bladder, blood, kidney, liver, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, thyroid)
- Low birth weights
- Preeclampsia
- Thyroid (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, Hashimoto’s, Grave’s, Goiter, thyroid nodules)
- Ulcerative colitis
These are a few examples of how long-term exposure to PFAS can affect your health. The study concerning PFAS and dental floss found that the chemical substance is present in certain types of dental floss, especially those containing fluorine.
The study in the Harvard article specifically found that women who used the Oral-B Glide brand of dental floss had higher levels of a certain chemical in their blood than women who did not use this brand of floss. The chemical PFHxS is one of many chemicals found in PFAS products.
The study also found the presence of fluorine made dental floss more likely to contain PFAS chemicals.
Long-term use of the floss can contribute to a serious health condition.
Recovering Compensation for Your Injuries
PFAS chemicals surround us every day. Their presence in a variety of materials and products make it easy to risk exposure to harmful health problems. If you were recently diagnosed with a health condition that you believe is associated with your use of dental floss, a lawyer might be able to help.
A serious health diagnosis is a scary time for you and your family and can cost a lot of money. Filing a lawsuit against the company that makes the dental floss that exposed you to PFAS might help you recover compensation. Some of the costs you could win awards for include:
- Medical bills
- Medical transportation costs
- Past and future lost wages
- Lost earning potential
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
Your life is busy enough without having to deal with the details of your case. If you were recently diagnosed with a health condition closely associated with PFAS exposure, you might have legal options. A lawyer can help you with your potential case while you focus on recovering.
Do not speak with insurance companies who represent large corporations and manufacturers. Their primary interest is to protect their best interests and to settle for the least amount of money possible. If you accept their offer, but realize it is too low later on, you will forfeit your right to filing a lawsuit.
Time is of the Essence: Contact Pintas & Mullins Law Firm Today
Securing legal representation can help you to protect your best interests. An initial settlement offer from an insurance company will most likely not cover your future medical costs. Should you accept their offer, you may lose your right to pursue compensation later if your medical condition worsens.
It is very important that you act quickly. The statute of limitations for pursuing civil action can expire, leaving you with few options for pursuing compensation.
PFAS are man-made chemicals designed to last forever. No one expects to develop a serious health condition simply from flossing their teeth. Consumers trust manufacturers to place safe products into the marketplace for purchase. When manufacturers break this trust, they must be held accountable for the harm caused to consumers.
Investigating what manufacturers knew and when they knew it is part of the process for determining liability.
If your doctor recently diagnosed you with a health condition you believe connects to your use of dental floss and related exposure to PFAS, let a personal injury lawyer from our team help you.
At Pintas & Mullins Law Firm, we offer free case evaluations, and we work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you owe us nothing unless we win your case. Call us today to learn more: (800) 788-4155.