A recent study found that elderly patients admitted to hospital trauma units are increasingly likely to be discharged to nursing homes instead of inpatient rehab facilities or home.The study, published in The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, used data from 2003 to 2009. Researchers found that elderly trauma patients were about 34% more likely …
California Tightens Oversight of Home Health Agencies
Elder abuse attorneys at Pintas & Mullins report on recent developments in California that impose new regulations for home health care agencies, which provide services like dressing, bathing, and other basic tasks for the state’s elderly. The bill, titled the Home Care Services Consumer Protection Act of 2013, was just signed into law by Governor …
Blood Thinning Drugs in Nursing Homes Causing Deaths and Injuries
We have written extensively on the dangers of new blood thinning drugs like Xarelto and Pradaxa. Lesser known are the dangers of an older and much more popular type of blood thinner in nursing homes. Our team of nursing home negligence lawyers highlights the importance of medication safety among nursing home residents. Coumadin (or the …
A Better Option for Long-Term Care
Our team nursing home abuse attorneys receive complaints by families with elderly loved ones, concerned over the true quality of care they are receiving. Families rarely see actual instances of abuse or neglect, rather noticing their loved one’s physical, mental and emotional health steadily decline. Residents who are neglected or abused in nursing homes often …