Jennifer (name changed to protect client) experienced no issues during her pregnancy. Several months later, she was admitted to the hospital after her contractions started. The nurses induced labor and noticed the baby was breached. A C-section was scheduled, and Jennifer was put under anesthesia for the surgery. When she awoke after the surgery, no one gave her an update on her baby or the surgery, and she did not see her baby that night. She found out the next day that her baby had a seizure, and the hospital transferred her to a location with a better NICU. The hospital explained that the baby lost oxygen during the surgery, but that the baby was not negatively affected. Now her child is 3 years old but can’t walk, crawl, or speak. It wasn’t until several years later that the hospital informed her of the child’s Cerebral Palsy diagnosis. The hospital and its doctors grossly mistreated Jennifer and were unable to properly communicate with her. The birth injury lawyers at Pintas & Mullins secured a settlement of $14,000,000 for Jennifer and her family.
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