Cooking burns are common when dealing with hot items on the stove or oven. Some cooking burns can be treated by simply running cold water over the affected area, but others may require medical attention or surgery. Instant Pot burns are an extremely serious cooking burn due to hot contents exploding onto users. These appliances use hot temperatures up to 200 degrees, causing severe burns in an instant.
Thousands of Instant Pot users have been injured by their faulty appliances exploding or melting during use. The popular kitchen appliances require extremely high cooking temperatures, but many have defective lids that can leave people with severe third-degree burns. Third-degree burns can lead to serious health complications and even death, so immediate medical attention is usually needed.
Types of Burns
Burns are injuries to body tissue, in this case, caused by extreme heat. There are three types of burns, all with differing levels of severity depending on which layers of the skin are affected:
First-degree burns
First-degree burns are the most minor form of burn. They don’t cause much damage since they only affect the outermost layer of the skin. When someone develops a first-degree burn, they may experience minor pain and swelling, and their skin may appear:
- Red, but usually won’t develop a blister
- Dry or flaky
Second-degree burns
Second-degree burns extend deeper than the outermost layer of the skin, causing it to be much sorer. The area will look very red and a blister will likely form.
Third-degree burns
Third-degree burns are the most severe burn since they go through every layer of skin. Even though these burns are extremely serious, they may not cause much pain because there may be nerve damage. In third-degree burns, the skin:
- Doesn’t develop blisters
- May appear white, brown, yellow, or black
- Has a leathery texture
Individuals can also get fourth-degree burns, but these are slightly different. Fourth-degree burns include all of the same skin damage of the other types of burns, but also go through the skin and into the tendons and bones.
Burn Treatment Methods
You may be able to treat minor burns with typical household products, but there are still instances where medical attention is needed. There are different guidelines for the treatment methods depending on the type of burn and the area affected.
Treatment for First-Degree Burns
First-degree burns can typically heal within seven to ten days by soaking the skin in cool water, using calming gels or lotions, applying antibiotic ointment, or placing loose gauze on the area. Medical attention may be needed if:
- A large portion of the skin is affected (more than 3 inches)
- The burn is on the face or a major joint
Treatment for Second-Degree Burns
Since second-degree burns are more serious, they can take two to three weeks to heal and may require more intense treatment methods. Similar to first-degree burns, some second-degree burns can be treated with antibiotic ointments or running the skin under cold water. You should seek medical attention if a large portion of the skin is affected, or if the burn is present on the:
- Face
- Hands
- Feet
- Buttocks
- Groin
Medical professionals may also want to use a form of surgery called skin grafting to replace the damaged skin if the burn is very severe.
Treatment for Third-Degree Burns
At-home treatments should not be used for third-degree burns. If your skin appears to have a third-degree burn, seek emergency medical attention immediately. Like second-degree burns, third-degree burns may require surgery. Since these burns can penetrate into deeper areas of the skin tissue and bones, they may require:
- Physical therapy
- Rehabilitation
- Long-term assisted care
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Use Caution When Handling Instant Pots
Instant Pot users should be extremely cautious when handling these appliances as they have not yet been recalled for their defect. Manufacturers have not admitted to this faulty design and aren’t honoring warranties for those that have malfunctioned. Since Instant Pot burns can be unavoidable, it’s best to know how to treat them and when to seek medical attention.
Pintas & Mullins Can Help
Instant Pot manufacturers should be held accountable for not warning consumers of their faulty products. If you required medical treatment as a result of an Instant Pot burn, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your injuries. The experienced defective product lawyers at Pintas & Mullins can help you every step of the way, and allow you to focus on recovering from your injuries. Call (800) 794-0444 to learn more.
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