Mesothelioma treatments and therapy take an enormous toll on victims’ bodies, and new ways of dealing with the harmful side effects are constantly being explored. Osteopathy, also called Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment, and massage therapy offer immense relief for many mesothelioma victims. Because of the nature of mesothelioma development (often latent in the body for 20 to 50 years), patients are usually of advanced age, or already in debilitating health. This hands-on treatment addresses an array of ailments, including relieving pain and tension, headaches, stress and anxiety, and nausea.
Osteopathic physicians and oncology massage therapists emphasize that their services do not cure cancer or affect the biological mechanisms of tumors. Patients continue to highlight and recommend this therapy because of its positive impact on their daily lives. Osteopathy and massage therapy is meant to be a complimentary treatment, to be used in conjunction with more traditional treatments such as chemotherapy or surgery. Mesothelioma attorneys urge those suffering from the mental and physical side effects of cancer treatment to consider osteopathy and oncology massage.
Mesothelioma victims suffer from constant chest pain, even before any treatment is administered. With the onset of chemotherapy and radiation, treatments aimed at destroying cancer cells kill healthy and necessary body cells as well, leaving patients with an array of complications during recovery. Osteopathy involves the role of the musculoskeletal system in overall health and disease treatment. Physicians aim to stimulate the healing systems that are inside everyone body, either through craniosacral therapy (manipulation of the skull), or visceral osteopathy (manipulation of the visceral organs, such as the stomach and intestines).
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Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment, when administered properly, restores balance to a stressed and fatigued body. It many involve pulling joints and muscles to stretch and loosen them and applying gentle massages to the spinal cord to relieve any restrictions in the craniosacral system. Osteopathic physicians are licensed medical doctors, and record complete medical histories and physical exams at initial visits. Doctors will also complete a structural exam, which entails an evaluation of posture, spine, balance, hands, feet, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. All of this information is assessed to help the doctor create a unique diagnosis and treatment plan.
Though massage therapists are not licensed doctors, oncology massage encourages holistic healing in the body and is considered an alternative medicine by medical professionals. Oncology massage therapists are educated in-depth on different cancers, their manifestations and modes of action. Each patient must have a tailored plan of treatment to heighten the therapy’s efficiency while actively avoiding damaged tissue. Massage therapists specializing in oncology patients are well-versed in conventional cancer treatments, and are trained to communicate with patients and administer treatment based wholly on their unique illness, symptoms, and personal needs.
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When conventional and complimentary treatments are combined, much evidence has found that recovery time and pain management is accelerated. The fundamental definition of osteopathy encompasses four basic principles: that the body is a dynamic unit of function, that structure and function are interrelated at all levels, that the body possesses self-regulatory devices that are self-healing in nature, and that rational treatment should be based on these principles. Osteopathy embraces the interconnectedness of human anatomy and physiology.
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Osteopaths are licensed by the state where they practice, and although licensing requirements vary by state, the general guidelines always require doctors to pass medical licensing examinations. The practice was developed in the late nineteenth century by an American medical doctor who realized the relationships between the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Dr. Still researched and developed osteopathy in a time when even antibiotics were non-existent. His methods involved accessing the body’s own natural ability to heal through hands-on treatment. Osteopathy, both then and now, offers a significant contribution to Osteopathy and Massage. Mesothelioma attorneys at Pintas & Mullins Law Firm understand that diseases caused by exposure to asbestos are complicated and painful. We urge victims to talk to their doctors about osteopathy and oncology massages that may help relieve painful mesothelioma side effects.
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