A recent string of drownings across the country serves as a somber reminder that water is more dangerous than it may seem. Our personal injury attorneys want to help spread the message that people need to be careful during recreational seasons on the water. According to the American Center for Disease Control (CDC), unintentional drowning is the fifth leading cause of death by an unintended injury in the entire country!
Furthermore, drowning often occurs in unexpected situations. For example, small children drown in wading pools, or people with epilepsy drown in bathtubs. In order to protect your loved ones you should employ proper safety measures to prevent tragedy.
Recently, the drowning deaths of two five-year-old girls shed light on the importance of taking diligent safety measures. The two girls were playing inside on a rainy day when their nanny decided to take a phone call from a friend. Telephone records show that the 58-year-old nanny stayed on the line for at least forty-five minutes while the girls presumably had free reign to play in the house.
Earlier that day, the five-year-olds had inquired about swimming in the family pool in the backyard, but they were told no because it was raining. The parents of one of the girls returned from the store along with her ten year old brother after getting supplies to make lunch. At that point, the nanny reported that the girls were playing in an upstairs room of the house.
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Searching the property to find the youngsters, the ten-year-old boy discovered the two girls at the bottom of the swimming pool. Emergency responders came to the scene immediately to rescue the girls but it was too late. The parents, who own the pool, say their daughter was an avid swimmer who could make it from end to end of the pool, but her friend was not able to swim at all. They believe that perhaps their daughter drowned while trying to rescue her friend. Both girls were clothed in regular outfits when they were found.
The parents now blame the nanny for a complete failure in monitoring the girls’ behavior while they were away. Police officials have made a charge so far of extreme recklessness, but it is unclear if the nanny will face more serious charges for the girls’ deaths. The tragic story shows just how important it is to teach kids early about the risks of water based hazards.
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Even with proper training on how to swim and when to enter the pool, water is still a dangerous place to be. An Arizona father, who is a paramedic, recently told Fox News that he and his wife would not even consider taking their two kids swimming unless they can both be there. The parents attribute their rule of the thumb to the fact that a drowning accident can occur even if parents are trying to watch the kids but just get distracted by one over the other for a moment.
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Harmless childhood water games should also be monitored carefully. A child or adult can drown during a simple game of who can hold their breath longer. This kind of drowning is called a black out drowning because a person can pass out from holding his or her breath for too long and subsequently drown.
Numbers from across the states of recent drownings are a harsh reminder to be alert at the waterside. In Iowa in a single week alone there were seven drowning deaths, in Minnesota there was a handful as well as two near drownings. In Arizona there have been nine deaths so far, which is a decrease from last year, but it is still not good enough. If you or a loved one is injured or killed in a drowning incident, there may be legal recourse. You should seek out an experiencedwater accident attorney to obtain the compensation you deserve.
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