A large Kentucky Corporation, which owns in excess of twenty nursing homes and elderly care facilities, is seeking to lease several of the facilities following many prolonged and costly lawsuits for nursing home abuse and neglect. It appears this corporation thinks it will be more lucrative to avoid any future liability by simply leasing these facilities, especially in the wake of the dramatic increase of reports of nursing home abuse and neglect. Unfortunately, it may be true that the best financial decision is to partially walk away from the business that made this corporation so successful. However, the corporation’s decision does not ensure the residents will be any safer, just that the Corporation will no longer be liable for abuse done to them. Our Illinois nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys have extensive experience getting the largest compensation possible for our elder abuse clients.
Nursing home and elder abuse and neglect occurs in many startling ways. Relating only to nursing home abuse, there is sexual, mental, and physical abuse. While sexual and physical abuse are typically less difficult to detect because they usually produce visible and tangible symptoms, mental abuse is much more arduous to detect. But mental abuse can be as equally catastrophic and damaging as physical and sexual abuse. Additionally,
financial exploitation also constitutes nursing home abuse. The reports of each type of this nursing home abuse and neglect have exponentially risen in recent years.
Because this Kentucky Corporation owns 21 homes and elder care facilities, it was not too surprising when reports surfaced of impending litigation. However, the amount of lawsuits levied against the Corporation was surprising. Residents and their families have filed lawsuits primarily against two of the Corporation’s nursing homes, which are located in the Madison County. The lawsuits covered the gambit of allegations, from physical abuse to severe neglect.
The initial lawsuits made allegations of nursing home neglect after family members started to notice malnutrition, extreme weight loss, many infections, pressure ulcers, and terrible hygiene. This type of behavior is nauseating because these are somewhat helpless individuals that placed their faith in these homes, and frankly, paid great money to be there. Further reports stated that patients’ health very rapidly decreased. Several of the lawsuits even allege wrongful death, as a few residents passed away from what appears to be the result of nursing home abuse and neglect.
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Currently, there are eight lawsuits pending against the Kentucky Corporation. It is unknown how many others have been settled outside of court, but it is probably fairly likely that is the case. In one of the cases, a jury rendered a 42 million dollar verdict for nursing home abuse. It was that extremely large verdict, in combination with the other impending litigation, that has led to the Kentucky Corporation leaving this industry.
The Corporation has decided, instead of literally running and managing these facilities, they will begin leasing them out and making their profits far from any sort of nursing home liability. It would seem that the Corporation was forced to leave this business due to the financial hardships of the impending litigation. This business decision indicates the financial liability that can occur from nursing home abuse and neglect. This liability can be so large that it could very easily destroy a large and successful corporation.
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One would hope that with new management of these facilities, nursing home abuse and neglect would be eradicated. Unfortunately, statistics suggest that in some capacity, nursing home abuse and neglect will occur again in these facilities. As a result, if you or a family member has suffered from nursing home neglect or abuse, you should contact an attorney today.
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